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Manual Upgrade

If there's an update for controller available, displays the notification on logon to controller. If the controller is hardware controller from TP-Link like OC 200 or OC 300, it'll upgrade the controller or update can be triggered at settings >> Controller Settings >> Maintenance >> Firmware and and check for upgrade.

But self hosted controller can't be upgraded in this method. It need's to be upgraded by uninstalling the existing one.


Before proceeding with upgrade, please backup the controller at settings >> Controller Settings >> Maintenance >> Backup & Restore >> backup and Download the backup to the secure location.

Stop the controller

First, Stop the controller with sudo tpeap stop. Output should be something like below.

Stopping Omada Controller
Stop successfully.

Download old installer

To make a complete backup before uninstall, current version installer is needed. Create a directory, download the installer and extract the installer from the tar ball.

To download old version visit

mkdir ~/omada-old -m 0755
curl -L | tar -xz -C ~/omada-old/ --strip-components=1


Change the directory with cd ~/omada-old.

Make uninstall script executable by running sudo chmod a+x ./

and run the following to uninstall the controller.

sudo ./

Output should be similar to below

Omada Controller will be uninstalled from [/opt/tplink/EAPController] (y/n): 

Select Y and hit Enter uninstall the controller.

Do you want to backup database [/opt/tplink/EAPController/data/db] (y/n): 

Select Y and hit Enter to backup the controller.

Uninstall Omada Controller successfully.

Download new installer

Download and extract latest version of the controller with following.

mkdir ~/omada-new -m 0755
curl -L | tar -xz -C ~/omada-new/ --strip-components=1


Change the directory with cd ~/omada-new.

Make install script executable by running sudo chmod a+x ./

and run the following to uninstall the controller.

sudo ./

Output should be similar to below

Omada Controller will be installed in [/opt/tplink/EAPController] (y/n):

Select Y and hit Enter install the controller.

Installation start ...
Install Omada Controller succeeded!
Omada Controller detects that you have backup previous setting before, will you import it (y/n):

Select Y and hit Enter to import the backup.

you should see something similar to the following

Import previous setting success.
Omada Controller will start up with system boot. You can also control it by [/usr/bin/tpeap].
Starting Omada Controller. Please wait.......................
Started successfully.
You can visit http://localhost:8088 on this host to manage the wireless network.

Visit http://controller_ip:8088 to check whether the controller is running or not.